Endodontics is the treatment of the pulp and surrounding tissues of a tooth.
Endodontics is the treatment of the pulp and surrounding tissues of a tooth. Endodontists have additional training in root canal therapy, and are considered specialists in saving natural teeth and treating dental pain. Endodontists work with the “inside” of a tooth. The word “endo” comes from the Greek language and means “inside” or within.
Root Canal Therapy
An endodontist uses specialized and advanced technology to treat tooth pain and perform root canal treatment. When root canal therapy is performed the pulp chamber of the tooth is removed and then filled with a suitable filling material. Root canals are most often necessary when decay has reached the nerve of the tooth or the tooth has become infected. People have anywhere from one to four canals in a tooth. Extra canals may branch out and are called “accessory canals.” The number of canals and anatomy of a tooth can vary.